CBD Hemp Oil - the big bottle!
So I was going to post week by week update of the first bottle of Exliniol CBD Hemp Oil. However, the small bottle is considered a 'trial size' and in my case, it lasted a week and a half. Enough for me to make the decision to buy the larger size bottle, with the Australian dollar being so weak it is quite an investment - some $550AUD once you include postage. The upside of the larger bottle is this - it is the highest concentration of CBD Hemp Oil that can be produced which means I only need to take only a third of what I took with the smaller bottle. So from 3 teaspoons a day I now only need to take 1 teaspoon each day. I take half in the morning and half at night, after breakfast and dinner. The 'natural' version tastes somewhat like seaweed, while the 'cinnamint' is initially very strong on the mint flavour but more palatable than the natural.
And again, once the small bottle ran out I had to use panadol osteo to help me manage the Ankylosing Spondylitis pain, and the pain was real. With chronic pain you do start to question if it is in your head but when pain is so bad it's keeping you from sleeping you know it's real!
What I did notice while taking the CBD Hemp Oil was greater clarity of thought, decrease in aches and the capacity to sleep through the night.
I started on the larger bottle - the '3600' three days ago and I'll post on here my weekly progress. The larger bottle will last a lot longer allowing me to properly test of it's benefits - here's hoping that there are many!
Elixinol is the only company I could find posting CBD Hemp Oil to Australia. I know there are several Australian companies in the process of getting permissions to sell American CBD Hemp Oil but it's a way off yet.